Greetings Kingdom Citizens!
We are approaching the Hebraic New Year with a forceful momentum.
It’s as if Holy Spirit wants us to hurry and get there and I believe He is awaiting each of us with all things NEW!
The Spirit began to present Himself strongly on Sunday and He reminded us that the Voice of the Lord is Holy Spirit.
Apostle John reassured us in chapter 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me.”
If you have not listened to the message on Sunday, you need to hear the revelation of how the newborn baby compares to God’s children, even the newbies.
Click here to view Sunday's message.
As Holy Spirit and I further conversed Sunday evening after service He revealed more: Yes, we learn the Shepherd's voice and we follow it with confidence and faith. But the scripture also assures “and I know them.” Just as a mother can distinguish the cry, the laugh, or the cooing of her baby in a room of a hundred babies – so can God the Holy Spirit recognize our voice among all the inhabitants in the earth.
He knows when our cry is one of fear and in need rescue; He knows when we are fretful and need comforting; and He knows when we are joyful and rejoicing in gladness. He knows!
Think of the many prayers being expressed during this pandemic; the voices that have been raised to receive salvation; those asking and trusting for healing; those moaning in grief and hurt due to lost loved ones. He hears them all! He does not say, “Is that you ShirlAnn?” but rather “I AM here ShirlAnn!” He knows my voice!
This month of Elul has staged our entrance by presenting Him to us as “The King is in the Field!” Allow yourself to be drawn to God the Holy Spirit and know Him for who He is and not just because of all the mighty things He has done. Speak to Him and have a relationship with Him like never before. Give Him more reason to recognize your voice and you know His.
This month also introduces Him as “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine!” Song of Solomon 6:3.
Oh, how I love Him!
Grace and Peace,
Apostle Wade Anthony
Very comforting to hear Apostle. Thanks for unfolding the second part of the story! I can remember many times me calling out to my earthly mother for help or out of need for her, and she right away, knowing her child’s voice, responding swiftly! The voice recognition was because of our relationship, which is so important. Our Father desires that intimate relationship with all of his children. Great thing is there’s no need to fix up for God, He will meet us right where we are!